The bike fit process
The bike fit process at Velo Performance starts with a musculoskeletal assessment to ensure there is an awareness and understanding of how your body moves and functions. This is essential to ensure the bike is fitted correctly for you as an individual and you understand how to help optimise your body to enhance your cycling. To help optimise your position and provide feedback and education for you we use a range of technology including dynamic video motion capture, pressure mapping, power analysis and for those keen to optimise aerodynamics CdA analysis and data modelling can be performed (see ‘bike fit’ for details).
Our aim is to ensure that we help you achieve a position on the bike that relates to your individual cycling goals. For some people this is riding to work without saddle pain, for others its riding a 40km time trial as fast as possible.
Our packages
Full bike fit as performed with elite athletes to ensure you are reducing the risk of injury and enhancing your performance on the bike.
Full personalised interview
Comprehensive musculoskeletal profiling – assessment of movement patterns, flexibility, stability and strength allowing the bike to be fitted to you
Dynamic analysis on the bike using motion capture software to educate you on body awareness and optimising body positioning on the bike
Pressure mapping to ensure saddle stability is optimised
Cleat set-up
Specific exercises related to optimising your position on the bike
Full report including all measurements of the body and bike
Full bike fit as performed with elite athletes to ensure you are reducing the risk of injury and enhancing your performance and specifically aerodynamic position on the bike.
Full personalised interview
Comprehensive musculoskeletal profiling – assessment of movement patterns, flexibility, stability and strength allowing the bike to be fitted to you
Dynamic analysis on the bike using motion capture software to educate you on body awareness and optimising body positioning on the bike
Pressure mapping to ensure saddle stability is optimised
Cleat set-up
Education to optimise your position on the bike for speed – exercises will be provided to help enhance this position
Full report including all measurements of the body and bike